
  • Focal radiofrequency contraction to tighten skin without the use of excisional surgery. Get surgical results with little downtime without invasive surgery. Also known as the “non-surgical labiaplasty”

Duration = 2 hours

Results = 5 Years

Starting at $4000

Discomfort = 6/10

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A non-surgical labiaplasty procedure uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat tissues in the labia minora, leading to tightening and reduction. The main goals are to:

Reduce the size and projection of the labia minora

Narrow the distance between the labia minora and majora

Improve the cosmetic appearance and symmetry of the labia

Here's what happens during the procedure:

An applicator is inserted into the vagina to deliver RF energy to target tissues in the labia minora.

The heating causes collagen remodeling and contraction of the tissue, resulting in shrinking of the labia minora.

Potential benefits include:

Tightening and reduction of enlarged or asymmetric labia with less downtime compared to labiaplasty surgery.

Improved appearance and shape of the genitals for cosmetic reasons or to alleviate discomfort from large labia minora.

Little to no stitches, incisions or scarring.

Risks and limitations:

Results are usually more gradual and modest compared to labiaplasty surgery.

Some discomfort, irritation or swelling can occur but typically resolve quickly.