Surgical Procedures

  • In some cases, elective surgery may be recommended to optimize your health outcomes 

  • Your physician will discuss these options with you in detail during your assessment

Covered by OHIP

Discomfort = 6/10

Duration = 2-3 hours

Results = 5-7 Years

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There are a few main types of surgery that can be considered for treating urinary and pelvic floor issues:

Slings - This involves placing a mesh "sling" under the urethra to provide support and prevent leakage with actions like coughing, sneezing or exercise. It is well suited for stress urinary incontinence.

Bulking agents - In this procedure, a substance like silicone is injected around the urethra to improve sealing and stop leakage. It targets both stress and urge incontinence.

Intravesical Botox – Botox is injected into the muscle of the bladder to help control urgency and urge incontinence by decreasing bladder contractions.

Recovery usually requires 2-6 weeks. Long-term, patients may still need to do pelvic floor exercises, dietary and behavioural modification.

Before undergoing surgery, we evaluate if more conservative options may improve your symptoms. Surgery is generally recommended if other treatments fail or if severe symptoms are significantly impacting your quality of life.