Morpheus 8V

  • A simple, in-office procedure that combines radiofrequency energy with microneedling to treat a variety of pelvic, vaginal, and genitourinary concerns

  • High frequency electrical currents generate heat in the vaginal wall tissue, which leads to production of new collagen and elastin fibres

  • This results in improved vaginal tightness, sensation, and lubrication

  • No general anaesthesia and minimal downtime, this procedure is performed in the Eira clinic

Starting at $1,400

Discomfort = 5/10

Duration = 20-40 min

3-6 treatments

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Morpheus V is a type of radiofrequency (RF) treatment that can be used for intravaginal skin and tissue tightening.

Morpheus V delivers radiofrequency energy into the vaginal tissue using micro-needle electrodes. This stimulates the natural wound healing response in your skin.

As the tissue heals, it produces new collagen and elastin fibers which tightens loose skin, decreases irritative symptoms, and improves lubrication.

The micro-needles cause tiny controlled wounds in the skin that stimulate collagen production. This helps build structure and support.

The procedure is non-invasive, meaning no incisions are required. It feels like a slight pinch or tingling as the needles are inserted and RF energy is delivered. Most patients tolerate it well with local numbing cream.

You'll likely see gradual results over 3 to 6 months as your body requires time to produce new collagen in response to the treatment. Full effects won't be immediate.

Side effects can include redness, swelling, discomfort and minor skin irritation for a few days after the procedure. These usually subside quickly with over-the-counter treatments.

Multiple treatments, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, may be recommended for best results. This allows your body time to heal and respond between treatments.

The results of Morpheus V are not permanent. Treatments can be repeated as needed to maintain benefits.